Wednesday, January 18, 2023

An update and a small show N tell

 Now displayed at my personal web site "Homemade Fall birthday card 2021 with leaf characters".

The link can be found in the side menu to your right. Also a lovely whimsical envelope art from 2020 that I just got around to sharing. Didn't need to make a card this time around. Just as well, that's when I started to work on this project that's taking a lot of my time for now. Hopefully not all for nothing.  So this cute little envelope illustration I made to match the theme of the card was just all it needed. 

 Created with coloured pencil, some marker and on an envelope.

Hope you like it. 



Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Home made Fall birthday greeting card 2021

 Welcome to another "catch up" share posting. 😜😊This time we have another fall birthday theme with some cute whimsical fall leave characters. It was very similarly created like another b day card I shared a few years ago. I used coloured pencil on coloured construction paper, layering on the drawing and colours till I got a satisfying result. I added a finishing touch with plastic google eyes like the cherry on top of a cup cake since I wasn't satisfied with the whimsy. Well that and the fact that the smirk made me feel a bit uneasy and might be taken the wrong way. In the end it turned out great. It was actually completed that same year just didn't use it right away for other reasons. Hope you like it. 😊


First I free-handed an image in a yellow pencil to make it stand out. πŸ”»


Second phase. Starting to add shading. Finding my way around the card. πŸ”»

Third phase. Really starting to take shape. Got to keep on working. πŸ”»
Forth phase. Just about done. πŸ”»

 All done and added the inside part of the card. Google eyes added. So cute!πŸ”»

As always, I placed the image illustration on a piece of some kind of white card stock I had on hand. I can't remember what it was because it was a while ago but I'm pretty sure I got it out of my box o bits and pieces. That's where my small pieces of leftovers go when I finish a project. Comes it handy and less environmental waste. 

Added a cute message and other things of which I will not share for privacy reasons. Mostly created using marker and some coloured pencil πŸ”Ί

Since I didn't have an envelope on hand I simply made one out of an orange child goody bag purchased at any dollar store. Pretty inexpensive at the time but who knows these days with all this crazy inflation. πŸ˜’ Anyways I took the bag apart and folded it into the distinctive envelope shape. The size was pretty spot on for my needs. Then I put on the address and decorated it a bit with some cute fall leaves. As always personal info was omitted for obvious reasons. 
Hope you enjoyed my latest "make" even thought technically it was made a few years back. But its new to you, right? 
Thank you for visiting and as always it will be featured soon at my personal web site when I get around to it. 😊