Wow! We got some new stuff here. Anyways here's the completed version of the Little Ballet girl 1. Painted on canvas in water colour with a bit of acrylic. Painting is 8.5 x11
Here's the original photo of the little girl. Remember no taking! Seriously No! After all this is someone's loved one and I had the permission to use this image.
As you can see even zooming in didn't help much with seeing every detail. Especially zooming in on the most important part, the nose. The picture was taken the conventional way. So doing lots of sketches and homing in on the more challenging areas really helped a lot. See previous posts(click on the pins);📌📌📌
Background was not important to the client and she wanted a light hearted look to the portrait painting so the background was painted in a mono tone style. Various shades of pink. I was more liberal to the colour pallets I used on the little girl. Made it stand out really nice. I also used some of the elements from the original pic mostly just the shape of things and changing them in to a marble table with flowers on it. I also added grass and a nice stone path. I was temped to add other things to the painting but I was a afraid that it would take focus off the main subject.
I also had to keep in mind that the lighting would be different too from the original picture.
So in the end the client was very pleased along with her friends.
I think it turned out very nice over all but as always there's always room for improvements to the next piece.
Now on to the next commission. 😺
Carmel Event March 15
3 days ago